- Assessment of tax risks
- Tax optimization
- Structuring transactions
- Maintenance of on-site tax audit
- Appeal of acts and decisions of tax authorities

Consulting is an activity of advising managers on a wide range of issues in the field of financial, commercial, legal, technological, technical, and expert activities. The purpose of consulting is to help the management system (management) in achieving the stated goals.

What does the client need it for?
- Reasonably priced client gets highly qualified accountants
- The client gets more free time for the most important thing: the development of his/her business. He/she does not need to spend his/her time and money looking for a competent accountant to work with. Such accountants do not need to be motivated, controlled, “enter the position” (the consulting organization is responsible under the contract, is interested in doing its job qualitatively and on time).
- The client receives accounting, working for his business full-time, without any interruptions. Consulting company will not go on vacation and will not get sick at the crucial moment.
- The client receives high-quality advice on legislation and organization of documents in his/her business. Using the best option, the client spends fewer resources on the bureaucracy and carries fewer risks associated with government regulatory agencies.
- The client receives a partner interested in the prosperity of the Business, and not an employee of the accounting department, very often interested in his salary and minimizing responsibility.
Our clients are legal entities; communication will take place directly with the first persons of the company (CEO, executive director, deputy director).
Our sphere is B2C, Business-to-consumer. This means that we will communicate directly with the end user of the service, without intermediaries.
There are seven actual reasons why our Clients should work with us:
- Our company is stable in the legal services market, and we are constantly developing in various directions. This means that our business is built correctly and our customers trust us.
- We are flexible. Unlike many giants in the provision of accounting services, we build individually.
- Working with us, the client can relax on the weekends with his family, without thinking about accounting and reporting. After all, our accountants work seven days a week without days off.
- Our price is competitive and competitive.
- We are technologically advanced. We have ALL resources for high-quality performance of work.
- We provide a service such as representing the interests of an organization in government. The CEO does not need to spend time traveling to tax and funds.
- We are fast. Our competent specialists provide services efficiently and in a short time.
Warranties provided by the company:
Guaranteed accessibility and openness in customer relations.
VTL is guided in its daily activities by the principles of transparency and openness, in a timely manner bringing to the attention of customers all the necessary information.
Cash compensation guarantee.
We compensate expenses in case of an error made by our accountant.
Guarantee the legality of the relationship between VTL and the client. We draw up a contract for the provision of services with each client, in which we register all the conditions.
Our services:
We provide a wide range of accounting services for clients.
We have five tariff plans with a certain list of services that are suitable for different customers with individual needs and a certain budget:
Package «Excellent»: 69 900 rub. per month, from 300 to 500 operations per month.
Package «Active»: 49 900 rub. per month, from 100 to 300 operations.
Package «Basic»: 17 900 rub., from 30 to 100 operations.
Package «Start-up»: 5900 rub., from 0 to 30 operations.
Package «Zero»: 990 rub., 0 operations.
Detailed information on the content of package offers is contained in the PRICE LIST!
A business transaction in accounting is any documented and expressed in currency, legally and economically significant action of a business entity associated with the movement of funds or material values.
An operation is:
- Bank statement line = 1 operation.
- Cash order = 1 operation.
- Delivery note for the receipt of goods and materials according to a typical form (excluding the number of positions in the document) = 1 operation.
- Delivery note for the receipt of goods and materials according to a typical form in the case of keeping records on the nomenclature with manual entry, each position = 1 operation.
- Delivery note for the shipment of goods (without taking into account the number of positions, in the case of the names coincide with the documents of receipt) = 1 operation
- Delivery note on the shipment of goods in the case of keeping records on the nomenclature during manual entry of each item = 1 operation
- Writing off materials (without taking into account the number of positions in the document) = 1 operation.
- Certificate of acceptance of the work and services performed (received) = 1 operation.
- Certificate of acceptance of the work and services performed (rendered) = 1 operation.
- Line of the advance report = 1 operation.
Accrual of interest on loans and loana, one posting = 1 operation.
— CCD in terms of the CCD No. = 1 operation.
— CCD in terms of customs expenses, each ̆ type of expense = 1 operation.
— Item bundle = 1 operation
Other transactions issued by accounting references, one posting = 1 operation.
That is simpler to say, this is an action that reflects business facts, calculations, financial results, etc., the composition and placement of property, as well as sources of funds (own and borrowed).
To summarize, we provide services such as:
— Assistance with taxation;
— Maintaining client-bank;
— Submission of reports and preparation of various documents to the tax inspectorates and funds;
— Receipt and preparation of various statements and references;
— Maintaining personnel records.
The minimum payment period for a package is 3 months.
If a package is issued for a period longer than 6 months, then we provide our clients with a bonus.
More detailed information about the services is presented in the price list.
Concepts and terms
Bank statement — Bank statement is an official financial document that confirms the amount of funds credited and debited. Based on this certificate, you can confirm the income and expenses of the enterprise, as well as the amount of tax for any form of taxation.
Client-Bank — This is an opportunity to work with a bank at a remote distance, that is, to solve banking issues without leaving your home or office, using electronic means of data transmission.
The criteria are as follows:
1. Tax payments by the taxpayer are generally lower than the average level of payments by organizations operating in the same industry;
2. For several tax periods, the organization records losses;
3. In tax returns, the taxpayer reflects significant amounts of deductions;
4. Taxpayer expenses increase each period faster than income grows;
5. The average monthly salary of one employee of the organization is lower than the average level of payments by type of economic activity;
6. Indicators providing the right to apply special tax regimes have repeatedly approached the limit value;
7. At the end of the year, the individual entrepreneur in the reporting reflects expenses as close as possible to the amount of income;
8. Conclusion of contracts with dealers or intermediaries without subsequent economic benefits;
9. The taxpayer does not provide explanations for requests from the tax authority;
10. The taxpayer has repeatedly changed the tax authority due to the change of location;
11. According to the financial statements, the level of profitability of the taxpayer is significantly lower than the level of profitability for this type of activity;
12. The taxpayer conducts business with high tax risk.
The state extrabudgetary fund is a fund of funds formed outside the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and intended to exercise the constitutional rights of citizens to pensions, social insurance, health care and medical care.
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Quarter is a unit of time equal to three months, 1/2 half or 1/4 years. Quarters of the year have a different duration in days. The quarter number in Russia is usual-ly denoted by Roman numerals.
— obtaining information on the current state of accounts;
— obtaining a statement of operations with accounts for previous periods, obtaining any reference information;
— communication with the service operator
— keeping an archive of payment documents, statements and exchange rates.
— any payment transactions (payment, transfer, conversion of one currency into another, etc.)
Primary accounting documents is a documentary evidence of transactions carried out related to the economic activities of the entity and brought a certain economic effect (contracts, statements, delivery notes, payables, cash documents, accounts).
Taxation system is a set of taxes and fees charged in the prescribed manner.
Types of taxation are a general taxation system and a simplified taxation system.
The general taxation system is a type of taxation, in which organizations fully maintain accounting records and pay all general taxes (VAT, corporate income tax, corporate property tax, insurance premiums to funds).
The simplified taxation system is a special tax regime aimed at reducing the tax burden on small businesses, as well as to facilitate and simplify the conduct of tax accounting and accounting.
Small business is an entrepreneurship based on the activities of small firms, small businesses, formally not included in the association, where there are established restrictions on the number of employees, and revenue.
Zero reporting / balance sheet is a set of accounting, tax and statistical reporting submitted by the taxpayer, temporarily not engaged in financial and economic activities, to the regulatory authorities in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Tax declaration is an official statement of the taxpayer about the income received by him/her for a certain period and the tax discounts and benefits applied to them, provided to the tax authorities in a special form. Based on the tax declaration and effective tax rates, the tax authority exercises control over the amount of tax payable (where the tax rate is the amount of tax accruals per unit of measurement of the characteristics of the object of taxation).
Reconciliation check with counterparties is a document that is compiled by the accounting department of the organization for verification of mutual settlements between the parties (organizations, individual entrepreneurs, etc.) for a certain period of time.
A counterpart is one of the parties to a contract in civil law relations.
1-SPARK Risks is a joint product of the firms 1C and Interfax. The main functions of the 1SPARK Risks service: Monitoring of information on counterparties and evaluating the reliability of the counterparty. The report contains data: contacts of the organization, the head and types of activities, property, personnel, permits and inspections, business activities, financial indicators, risk factors, negative lists and more.
C is one of the state extra-budgetary funds of Russia established for the state management of the pension system funds and thus ensuring the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to pension benefits.
Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation is one of the state extra-budgetary funds, established to provide compulsory social insurance for Russian citizens.
Federal Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund is a state organization. It reports directly to the state and has the right to impose fines on other organizations for failure to fulfill obligations.
Receiving notifications about the policyholder from the reconciliation check and the Social Insurance Fund (where the insured is a legal entity, our client), where the notification is a certificate of registration with the funds (when registering an organization), which funds send to the legal address of the company, or you can take it directly in the fund itself (general director or proxy representative).
Uniform State Register of Legal Entities is first of all a system created for the convenience of storing information about all legal entities existing in Russia. This register contains full and complete information that is recognized as reliable by all government agencies.
OGRN is the main state registration number, the registration number of the entry on the creation of a legal entity, on its listing on the register.
TIN is a Taxpayer Identification Number, a digital code that organizes the registration of taxpayers in the Russian Federation. It is assigned to the tax records of both legal entities and individuals in the Federal Tax Service.
KPP is a Code of the reason for registration, this is the code that supplements the TIN and contains information about the basis for registration with the tax authority. Each organization attached to a specific tax will have the same checkpoint (there are rare exceptions).
PIT (personal income tax) is a tax on personal income.
2-NDFL certificate is a document that reflects information about the source of your income, wages and taxes withheld. It is issued by the employer for a certain period (usually a year).
Preparation of documents for reimbursement of personal income tax for individuals. The principle of obtaining a deduction when applying to an employer is the following: the employer withholds personal tax from the salary of employees every month and transfers to the budget as a tax agent. An employee buys a home and is entitled to a tax deduction. The state can return the money to him through the tax office, but not more than the paid personal income tax for the calendar year.
VAT is the value added tax, which is charged and paid by manufacturing companies, wholesale and retail trade organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs. In practice, its size is defined as the product of the rate of the difference between the revenue obtained from the sale of its own products (goods, services) and the sum of the costs that were used for its production.
VAT reimbursement is a specific process, the consequence of which is the receipt by the taxpayer of a part of the paid tax on his/her current account. For legal entities, this becomes possible in the case when at the end of the tax period the amount of VAT is greater than the amount of tax that is paid to the budget.
Social Insurance Fund reimbursement is the right to reimbursement from the Social Insurance Fund in the event of temporary disability of an employee, sick leave during pregnancy and childbirth, the need to compensate for the costs of measures aimed at preventing accidents during work and occupational diseases.
Conducting foreign economic activity (FEA) is conducting operations with foreign partners both in the country and abroad. As part of the activities carried out trade, investment operations, making contributions to the share capital of organizations, registration of rent, etc. The article will tell about the accounting of foreign economic activity, analyze the features of the accounting of imports and exports of goods.
A currency account is an account in a banking institution owned by a legal or natural person on which their funds in a foreign (convertible) currency are accumulated and spent.
HR records are accounting of the movement of employees of an organization or an individual entrepreneur, associated with the documentation of admission, relocation and dismissal of employees, and the calculation of salary .
Personalized HR records are organization and maintenance of records of information on the insurance and funded parts of the labor pension of each employee of the company, created by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
Primary personnel documents are employee card, orders (vacation, transfer, dismissal, etc.), vacation schedule, time sheet, official tasks, and travel certificates.
Express analysis of the state of accounting is an analysis of accounting and tax reporting, which is primarily required for those companies whose leaders are not sure of the quality of the work of their accounting for the previous period. This is a brief audit of the state of accounting and reporting organization. It includes a review of 1-C accounting base and reporting. The process takes an average of 30-40 minutes.
Invoice is a document certifying the actual shipment of goods or the provision of services and their value. It is formed only with the general taxation system, it is not applicable in the case of simplified tax system.
Act of reconciliation is a document of accounting, which reflects the movement of products (works, services) and cash between two counterparties for a certain period; the presence or absence of debt of one party to the other on a certain date.
Desk tax audit is activities of authorized tax authorities to monitor taxpayers, tax agents and payers of fees and insurance premiums of legislation on taxes and fees in the manner prescribed by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, through tax audits carried out at the location of the tax authority based on tax declarations (calculations) and documents submitted by the taxpayer, as well as other documents on the taxpayer’s activities, which tax authorities have.
Tax Risks of On-Site Tax Audit are Criteria for selecting taxpayers for conducting a field tax audit.
The criteria are as follows:
1. Tax payments by the taxpayer are generally lower than the average level of payments by organizations operating in the same industry;
2. For several tax periods, the organization records losses;
3. In tax returns, the taxpayer reflects significant amounts of deductions;
4. Taxpayer expenses increase each period faster than income grows;
5. The average monthly salary of one employee of the organization is lower than the average level of payments by type of economic activity;
6. Indicators providing the right to apply special tax regimes have repeatedly approached the limit value;
7. At the end of the year, the individual entrepreneur in the reporting reflects expenses as close as possible to the amount of income;
8. Conclusion of contracts with dealers or intermediaries without subsequent economic benefits;
9. The taxpayer does not provide explanations for requests from the tax authority;
10. The taxpayer has repeatedly changed the tax authority due to the change of location;
11. According to the financial statements, the level of profitability of the taxpayer is significantly lower than the level of profitability for this type of activity;
12. The taxpayer conducts business with high tax risk.
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The state extrabudgetary fund is a fund of funds formed outside the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and intended to exercise the constitutional rights of citizens to pensions, social insurance, health care and medical care.
Quarter is a unit of time equal to three months, 1/2 half or 1/4 years. Quarters of the year have a different duration in days. The quarter number in Russia is usual-ly denoted by Roman numerals.